Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Dr. Tao Yizhi Peking University in China in 1992, received a bachelor's degree at Purdue University in 1999 received  blackhawks jerseys Ph.D. In 2002 completed post-doctoral research at Harvard University after the Rice University, then became an official personnel, now when crude cell biology and biochemistry, University Professor to help. Dr. Tao important research dedicated to RNA viruses, of which she is most fascinated by the drip-A  insanity dvd virus research, because the company prior to a period of SEO, so that period of time to write the article, including the annual human influenza caused by A-type influenza virus spread, and generally far H5N1 avian influenza virus circulating.

mobility influenza virus RNA genome has revealed, they use a different set of eggs to their host plants back  
   black factor responsible for a single system of its genome. farthest, Tao Shi, the research team designed a series resolution crystal structure of influenza virus nucleoprotein It is  mac brushes  for viral RNA alone made a highly aggressive black egg. deconstruction of influenza virus nucleoprotein crystals published in 2006  north face denali pure chi, in the crystal structure of nuclear black eggs on the invention of some very meaningful target, counter mobility influenza virus research and development of new drugs has major value in use.

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